Shift Your Posture

The Shift 3D Method™ is a unique subtle approach to bodywork. It incorporates

  • Directed Breathing
  • Dynamic Brain to Muscle Interaction
  • Daily Habit Re-education.

This holistic method addresses not just physical, but also mental and lifestyle aspects of well-being. 

Shift 3D Method Upcoming Workshop October 19th-20th, 2024 Hands on Training for Massage Therapists, Chiropractors, Physical Therapists

The Shift 3D Method™ is effective in assessing and treating a range of issues. These include neck pain, migraines, thoracic outlet, sciatica, low back pain, nerve and spinal issues. It provides a comprehensive approach to bodywork.

The neuro muscular approach incorporating the breathing helps even the most complicated issues.

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Innovative Techniques

Using cutting-edge methods that go beyond traditional massage techniques. 

Holistic Approach

Our Shift 3D Method™ addresses the body, mind and daily habits for comprehensive healing. 

Universal Application

Our method is safe and gentle, suitable for kids to elderly. 

Shift 3D Method Upcoming Workshop Training for Massage Therapists, Chiropractors, Physical Therapists