The Shift 3D Method™ is a unique subtle approach to bodywork, created by Tammy Shaw-Sykes. It incorporates
- Directed Breathing
- Dynamic Brain to Muscle Interaction
- Daily Habit Re-education.
This holistic method addresses not just physical, but also mental and lifestyle aspects of well-being and empowering client to make long-lasting structural changes to the body.

Shift 3D Method™ is used for ALL New Client Assessments as it is incredibly affective.
A 1st time appointment is fully clothed 75 minute appointment and includes:
- Health History / Consultation and Goals for the session
- Posture Imaging & Assessment
- Cervical/Thoracic/Lumbar imaging – (optional)
- Shift 3D Method™ on the massage table. Muscle assessment, gentle deep tissue bodywork while assessing movement of muscles, nerves and bones from head to toe. Re-aligning back, neck, shoulders, low back. Restoring movement, increasing range of motion and improving balance, reducing pain.
- Advanced Massage and Muscle Rehabilitation Techniques
- Vibration Therapy
- Goal Setting
- 2-3 At home exercises relating to your condition
- Concise Report of Findings and followup suggestions if any.
This gentle hands on approach reduces pain, discomfort with no surgery, needles or medications.

New Clients or Annual Posture Checkup Clients
Shift 3D Method™ – Training Clinicians, Massage Therapists, Chiropractors, Physical Therapist, Nurses, Health Care Providers
The Shift 3D Method™ is effective in assessing and treating a range of issues. These include neck pain, migraines, thoracic outlet, sciatica, low back pain, nerve and spinal issues. It provides a comprehensive approach to bodywork.
The neuro muscular approach incorporating the breathing helps even the most complicated issues.

Shift 3D Method Upcoming Workshop Training for Massage Therapists, Chiropractors, Physical Therapists