Headaches, neck stiffness, low back pain, hips hurt. Yatta, yatta. “You are getting older” we are told. I loved it when older my sister-in-law told me that she started to fall apart after her 40th birthday. Great! I was rounding that already with 3 whiplashes, headaches, my left hand pinky and ring finger where in constant pain that had been waking me up for over a year. I had tingling in my hands and occasionally feet. I had been under Doctor’s care and chiropractic care and finally after 1 year diagnosis with fibromyalgia. What hope did I have as I was not even her “Falling apart 40” age yet? I even had to quit my job because of constant pain and fatigue.
It was 10 years later that I entered school for massage therapy. My thought was for an occasional part time income. Little did I realize that it was part of the perpetual learning for getting people out of pain that I would journey into. For me it took years to get out of pain. For my clients I listen and believe that “We can do better, together”
For all my clients, I am the person that reduces their pain, improves their movement, gently listen and apply techniques based on what I hear.
If my posture was looked at during the height of my pain, perhaps I could have not lost 3 years of my life to constant pain. I look now to see if posture MAY BE a contributing factor to pain, balance, even digestion issues.
Does posture always cause pain? No, I have worked with many scoliosis clients that only want to reduce their curve. Using Myoskeletal Alignment Therapy, Breathing, stretches and strengtheners, I gently work with clients from 15-87. Each person is treated individually and uniquely as each person has their one story, challenges injuries and habits.
Back to age. I may be 20 years older but I am certainly stronger, healthier and pain free most days. If I do hurt it is usually because I have played too hard, dancing, wallyball or gardening.
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Schedule a FREE 15 Minute Consultation call with me today.
Pain Relief and Postural Alignment Specialist