Shift Your Posture

Are you tired of spending time, money and energy chasing symptoms?

If you woke up with stiff neck or back
or have issues with chronic pain then you are in the right place

Falling out of a tree as a teenager, multiple car accidents before the age of 30, mild scoliosis and back labor while giving birth, all contributed to chronic neck and back pain. Add that to poor posture and repetitive work sitting all day, this  created more serious issues as I watched life go by from the sidelines often. 

” I want my clients to get out of pain faster, get immediate results and get back to the life they want and deserve.

Pain Relief and Posture Alignment Specialist

Pain relief for foot, heel and toes and improve range of motion with rehabilitaion exercises w Tammy Shaw-Sykes, Pain Relief and Postural Alignment Therapist in Minneapolis, St Paul

Foot Pain and Ankle issues

Foot pain can stem from various causes such as injuries, medical conditions, or biomechanical issues. Common conditions include plantar fasciitis, bunions, arthritis, and injuries like sprains or past sprains or breaks. 

Heel pain or plantarfasciitis or plantarfasciotis is one of the more painful foot issues that can lead to limping or even knee or hip issues. Neuropathy in the feet can also be painful and can lead to balance issues or falls. 

Managing foot pain effectively often requires identifying the underlying cause and adopting appropriate preventive measures and treatments to maintain mobility and comfort.

What can be done with advanced muscular skeletal massage and orthopedic exercises at Shift?

Get rid of knee pain and learn techniques that work with arthritis and strengthing muscles around it with Tammy Shaw-Sykes and transform your pain in Minneapolis, St Paul

Knee Pain

Knee pain is a common issue caused by injuries, medical conditions, and repetitive stress. Common causes include ligament tears, meniscus tears, fractures, tendinitis, arthritis, bursitis, and infections. Symptoms can range from pain and swelling to stiffness, redness, warmth, instability, and reduced range of motion. 

Lifestyle modifications, postural alignment, pain management techniques, and a diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods can help. 

Ask about my Re-Shift Your Health 4 Week Program for Quick Boosting of your metabolism through safe movement, anti-inflammatory food recipes, posture online education and support. 

Get rid of hip pain and runners knee pain with advanced massage therapy techniques with Tammy Shaw-Sykes in Minneapolis, St. Paul

Hip Pain

Hip pain is a common issue caused by injuries, medical conditions, and overuse. Common causes include fractures, dislocations, strains, arthritis, bursitis, tendinitis, labral tears, and hip impingement. Symptoms range from pain and stiffness to swelling, limping, not being able to sleep on one side and weakness.

Using advanced massage techniques including myoskeletal alignment therapy and Shift 3D Method™ we can assess muscle movement, improve range of motion, and even work with labral tears for faster healing. 

Hip exercises to assist in improving range of motion and flexibility will also be given. 

Back Pain

Eighty percent of people with have back pain at some point of their life.  Back pain is a common issue caused by injuries, medical conditions, and lifestyle factors. Causes include muscle or ligament strains, herniated discs, pinched nerves, fractures, arthritis, scoliosis, spinal stenosis, osteoporosis, poor posture, obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, stress, and pregnancy. Symptoms range from pain and stiffness to muscle spasms and numbness. Sciatic pain can be very painful and even tingling down the legs or cramping in calf or calves. 

Shift 3D Method™ designed by Tammy incorporates Directional Breathing, Dynamic Brain to Muscle Interaction and Daily Habits to get clients out of pain in gentle and faster to resume the quality of life they want. 

Get fast back pain relief with Tammy Shaw-Sykes, Shift 3D Method and massage therapy in Minneapolis, St Paul

“My sciatic pain was an 8 out of 10 when I walked in and I had zero pain at the end of the appointment.” Marco C.

Get rid of neck pain from overnight or chronic issues with advanced massage therapy techniques in Minneapolis, St Paul and Shift 3D Method

Neck Pain and Headaches

With the increase of technology, smart phones, laptops, working from home, neck pain is much more common than ever before.  Neck pain and migraines can result from various causes, such as poor posture, muscle strain, injury, or underlying medical conditions.

It often manifests as stiffness, soreness, or a sharp pain in the neck area. Contributing factors include prolonged use of computers or smartphones, sleeping in an awkward position, or carrying heavy loads. 

Because of the complexities of the neck, the techniques used are slow and gentle. There are many nerve including facial nerves so there is constant input with directed breathwork and client interaction. Even the tongue is used to get into the muscles of the jaw and neck. 

“My Orthopedic Dr said the x-ray’s showed nerve impingement and sent me to physical therapy. I worked with Tammy before and she took my 9.5 pain in elbow and neck down to a 2 in 1 appointment. I saw here 3 additional times and had no pain and full range of motion. I did not need the MRI because in 1 week the pain was gone including the numbness in my fingers.” Shelly R.  

Shoulder pain relief with Tammy Shaw-Sykes, Master Myoskeletal Alignment Therapist in Minneapolis, St Paul

Shoulder, Elbow and

Hand Pain 

“Frozen Shoulder” or  adhesive capulitis can cause even the simplist of tasks to be a challenge, like washing your hair, hanging up a jacket.  That stiffness and pain can inhibit other muscles over time and even affect the movement in the elbow and hands. Repetitive motion was what was causing my carpal tunnel symptoms.

Although surgery was suggested  for me, I went with a less radical approach. Massage and therapeutic exercise. The numbness in the fingers and pain was stemming from the neck and even impinged in the elbow.

Which is why I assess even back muscles that are engaged with shoulder movement. With 7 layers of muscle gentle movement can get deep into the muscles and release nerves and get them flowing and moving again quickly and without pain.

“The reality is that the care we give is often based on old science, old technology and old ways of thinking about disease.” 

Dr. Atul Gawande, MD, Surgeon, Writer and Public Health Researcher

Chronic Pain Can Be Reduced or Eliminated BUT ...

it does take time. Through my Shift 3D Method™ and Shift Your Posture™ Transformation Programs, I have developed the fastest, most effective way with to improve clients’ lives, often in just one session. By using the brain-body connection in a calming way, clients progress quickly regardless of age. Transformations take more than one session, but with my method, dramatic changes can occur in months instead of years by empowering clients with the right brain to body functional movements.

Hypermobility is a connective tissue issue that can result in joint moving out of place easily. Re-aligning the body and strengthening your joints can eleviate pain and keep in place. Rehabilitation in Minneapolis, St Paul


Hypermobility is a condition where joints move beyond their normal range due to overly flexible ligaments and connective tissues. It can lead to joint pain, frequent dislocations, soft tissue injuries, and fatigue. Causes include genetic factors and conditions like Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. 

The Shift 3D Method™ was designed with you in mind. A gentle way to align the spine, strengthen the joints to prevent less bone shifts. 

A collage with three sections. The top left features "Fibromyalgia" highlighted in a dictionary. The top right shows gloved hands holding a "Post-COVID syndrome" sign. The bottom image depicts a tired person, likely experiencing chronic fatigue syndrome, resting their head on a desk next to a coffee cup.

Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), and Long COVID

These chronic conditions with persistent fatigue, pain, and cognitive issues. Fibromyalgia involves widespread pain, CFS includes severe fatigue and post-exertional malaise, and Long COVID features prolonged symptoms post-COVID-19. 

Having fibromyalgia for over 25 years I understand the complexities of this and ME/CFS.  The Shift 3D Method™ is a gentle yet effective method that brings the mind and body to a calmer place to live your life more fully. 

Holistic approach with scoliosis clients using Shift 3D Method for directional breathing, dynamic muscle reeducation, daily habit transformation in minneapolis, st paul


Scoliosis is a medical condition where the spine curves sideways, forming an “S” or “C” shape. Scoliosis can be:

Congenital – from birth and more than one family can have this condition. One of the reasons that American Posture Institute recommends Posture Images/Screening from age 6 and up. 

Syndromic Scoliosis – genetic conditions as Marfan’s syndrome or Ehler’s Danlos Syndrome (EDS) 

Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis – age 10-15 onset during growth can show appearance as bone grows at a faster rate than the connective tissues surrounding it. 

Adult Lumbar Scoliosis – Degerative Lumbar Scoliosis (DLS) aka Adult Degenerative Scoliosis 

Symptoms can range from mild to severe and may include uneven shoulders, waist, or hips, back pain, and in severe cases, breathing difficulties.

Ideal posture after 12 week Shift Your Posture Transformation, forward head position corrected, straightened spine, balance improved. Massage Therapy and Shift 3D Method in Minneapolis, St Paul


Hyperkyphosis is a condition characterized by an excessive forward curvature of the upper spine, resulting in a hunched or rounded back appearance. 

Unlike scoliosis (curves side to side) these curves are from front to back in an “S” fashion or “C” fashion. 

This abnormal curvature, often referred to as a “hunchback,” can be caused by poor posture, vertebral fractures, degenerative diseases, or conditions such as Scheuermann’s disease. Symptoms include back pain, stiffness, and in severe cases, breathing difficulties and reduced mobility. 

Genetics can also have a play in this condition. While bone struction can not be changed after development, the connective tissue can be and with Shift Your Posture Transformation Programs we have been able to reduce curves of kyphosis and hyperkyphosis.  Muscle imbalance can improve and even the type of gym equipment or sports played can reduce the curve.  

At Shift Fitness and Massage, we are exploring all the latest research from a wide variety of sources and top leaders in their fields. I am also honored to say that with experience especially with my clients, they have been and continue to be the best teachers of all. 

As my scoliosis clients were indicated, “No one does what you do and I have better balance in 1 session, you need to share in that knowledge.”  Since 2020 my methods became more refined and in 2024, I began teaching my Shift 3D Method™ to teaching the massage and bodyworkers.  Techniques are deep tissue to gentle depending on your conditions. 

 Tammy Shaw-Sykes,

Founder of Shift Fitness and Massage, Shift Transformation Programs, Re-Shift Your Health Program and Shift 3D Method™